Tag: 4wd tours

Lake Eyre Kimberley Karijini Gulf Savannah Way Tours

Lake Eyre Kimberley Karijini Gulf Savannah Way Tours

channel country tour

Lake Eyre & Channel Country is Looking Good

How’s Your Year of the Dragon, Olympics and Leap Year Looking !!

With 3 Cyclones earlier this year – the outback is blooming with blue, green and wildflowers and the songlines are humming

Lock in Your amazing year Dreams, Vision and Goals with these Inspiring chats tours and workshops

Campfire Chat – Zoom Session 8-9 pm Tuesday 7 May

Your chance to ASK any questions re Latest Tours, Songlines and Workshops etc. Please have your questions ready

Register FREE here – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83511680488?pwd=Q3VJZjBtM3JVYnIzZGxDNXdsdStKUT09

Vision & Mission Program Online – Anytime

Clarify Your Values & Vision, and Discover New Passion, Power & Purpose This Vision Quest Online is a Deep Nature Dive into what really drives and fulfills you – See details here – https://www.spiritsafaris.com/visionquest/

Lake Eyre Kimberley Karijini Gulf Savannah Way Tours

Seize the Days – Explore New Tours Added – still some Available here …

See All Lake Eyre Kimberley Karijini Gulf Savannah Way Tours for 2024 at link above or updates at Calendar Here

Please ask if any questions or join us at the Campfire Chat on Tuesday eve here

I hope you can make it.

Stay Tuned !

Thank you and see You soon 🙂

More adventures here in the comfort of your own devices – see my eBook Creation Journeys here – https://products.spiritsafaris.com/creation-journeys-ebook

Or Learn about Songlines, Leylines and Sacred Sites here

Lake Eyre Tours in 2024

Lake Eyre Tours in 2024Embarking on Lake Eyre Tours in 2024 with Spirit Safari in the heart of Australia is a journey unlike any other, especially in the wake of cyclone Kirrily creating huge 2024 floods. Tours are available as 3, 4, 6, 8 or 10 days.

This rare phenomenon has transformed the desert landscape into an oasis, creating a spectacle that captures the essence of nature’s unpredictable beauty.

Our Lake Eyre tours in 2024, during this extraordinary time, offer a unique opportunity to witness the transformation of the largest inland lake in Australia into a temporary haven for wildlife, a mirror to the sky, and a canvas of natural art.

< Photo Shows Flood waters are now passing by Birdsville in Western Queensland that will fill Goyder Lagoon.

Water will to leave Goyder Lagoon down the Warburton River and enter Lake Eyre via the Warburton Groove. The fish, birds, and vegetation follow this flow of water and Lake Eyre will be filling from late March through April, May,  June, and maybe more depending on absorption rates of the land and evaporation rates during these months.

Book NOW to see and this amazing spectacle – see dates and options on calendar below VV

Your Journey Begins with Lake Eyre Tours in 2024

Our adventure starts in Adelaide (or some tours from Broken Hill), where we set off on a journey that promises not only to explore the physical landscapes but also to traverse through the rich tapestry of Australian history, culture, and the indomitable spirit of the Outback. The road to Lake Eyre is an experience in itself, winding through quaint towns, vast open plains, and rugged natural terrain, offering glimpses of the diverse ecosystems that call South Australia home.

The Transformation of Lake Eyre

Upon seeing Lake Eyre, the impact of the 2024 floods will be immediately apparent. The lake, often a vast expanse of shimmering salt crystals, becomes a vibrant body of water, attracting life in forms and numbers that are truly a spectacle. The floods create an ecosystem that supports a plethora of birdlife, including pelicans, silver gulls, and the Banded Stilt, which thrives in these saline conditions. The sight of these birds, against the backdrop of the lake’s vast waters, is a photographer’s dream and a nature lover’s paradise.

Experiencing the Magic

Spirit Safaris’ Lake Eyre tours in 2024 are designed to offer an immersive experience, allowing travelers to not only see the lake from the edge but to truly engage with this temporary marvel. Options include scenic flights that provide a bird’s eye view of the lake’s expansive waters, reflecting the sky and creating a surreal landscape where the horizon blurs the line between water and air.

On the ground, we explore the fascinating history of the Oodnadatta Track, and at various locations enjoy guided walks for bird spotting, incluing along the shores of Lake Eyre south to reveal the intricate patterns of salt crystals, the textures of the mudflats, and the stories they hold. Night time brings a whole new dimension to the experience, with the clear Outback skies offering some of the best stargazing opportunities in the world. The silence of the desert, combined with the vastness of the night sky, makes for an unforgettable experience.

Cultural Insights and Historical Context

Our tours also delve into the rich cultural tapestry of the Lake Eyre region, exploring the significance of this place to the indigenous Arabana people, who have called this land home for thousands of years. Their stories and traditions offer a profound perspective on the lake and its place in the Australian landscape.

Historically, Lake Eyre has been a site of fascination and mystery, with early explorers drawn to its vastness and the elusive promise of water in the desert. The 2024 floods are a reminder of the lake’s capacity for transformation, a phenomenon that has occurred only a handful of times over the past century, making this year’s tours a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Sustainable Travel and Conservation

As a responsible travel operator, Spirit Safaris is deeply committed to the conservation of Lake Eyre and its surrounds. Our tours are designed to minimize impact, ensuring that we leave no trace and that the beauty of the lake and its temporary ecosystem can be preserved for future generations to witness.

Join Us

Join us on one of these Lake Eyre tours in 2024, to witness the miraculous transformation brought about by the 2024 floods. It’s an opportunity to experience the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, the resilience of the desert, and the enduring spirit of the Australian Outback.

Our Lake Eyre tours offer not just a trip, but a journey into the heart of Australia’s natural wonders, a chance to see the world in a new light, and to carry the story of Lake Eyre with you, long after you’ve returned home.

Lake Eyre Tours in 2024 are all accommodated with ensuites in local hotels or cabins


Here are dates and availability by month ….. CLICK BLUE ARROW to MOVE MONTHS HERE >>>>

See Lake Eyre tours videos here

See Mapshttps://www.spiritsafaris.com/tour-route-maps/

Food Choiceshttps://www.spiritsafaris.com/menu/


Campfire Chat December 2023

Campfire Chat December 2023

The purpose of our Campfire Chats is to connect with past and future travellers, and answer any of your questions about tours and travel, and songlines. Items discussed at the Campfire Chat December 2023 are here at links below …

  • You can save $1000 on tours of 8 or more days, by taking advantage of the EARLYBIRD SAVINGS that end December 22 (Friday). If you need extra time but still want to save that $1000 I can give you till December 29. This is available for full payment of a tour booked for 2024.
  • Prices on 2024 tours as listed here will increase after December 22.  https://www.spiritsafaris.com/new-kimberley-corner-country-simpson-desert-canning-lake-eyre-4wd-tours-for-2024/
  • Invite your friends to join you and we will pay you a referrers fee of $100 per person
  • Earn income & empower communities with Planet Partners Events   / Dance for the Trees – see info here  https://danceforthetrees.com/
  • Deep Nature Dive Webinar: Discover the transformative power of nature in our one-hour webinar designed to introduce you to the profound benefits of Nature Connection, and our Nature Within Workshops. I am also a leading-edge results coach and course creator, and I will guide you through the fundamental elements of reconnecting with the wild to unlock clarity, creativity, and a renewed sense of purpose. This webinar serves as a first step towards a more centred and empowered human being (rather than a human doing).  To join, please use the Registration link here … https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUld-GgrTovEtdzFashqJ1UsSSuxxbe3nZw
  • The FREE Songlines Leylines and Sacred Sites webinar is linked from here – https://www.spiritsafaris.com/songlines/

Looking forward to seeing you in 2024 and

wishing you and family a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year

Please ask if any questions

Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour

Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour

Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour with Macquarie Marshes Menindee Lakes Broken Hill Silo Art Tibooburra Innamincka Bourke plus Cooper Creek Eromanga Dinosaurs Lake Cargellico, Darling River Darling River cruise Brewarrina Fish Traps Outback NSW QLD and SA from Sydney return.

Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour
Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Macquarie Marshes Menindee Broken Hill Silo Art Tibooburra Innamincka Bourke NSW Outback Tour 10 days

Small group (max. 4 per 4WD) to explore the Far West of NSW, South Australia and South Western Queensland.

Highlights of Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour

  • Sydney return to Sydney
  • Follow the Indian Pacific Rail route
  • Siding Springs Observatory entry and viewing
  • Telescsope Stargazing night session with Donna the Astronomer (optional)
  • Parkes Radio Telescope – The Dish
  • Lake Cargelligo central NSW
  • Menindee Lakes & Burke & Wills Campsite
  • Packsaddle & Milparinka historic sites
  • Tibooburra granites, pastoral, art and mining history
  • Sturt National Park and Wild Deserts site
  • Cameron Corner Country – NSW SA QLD borders
  • Innamincka overnight
  • Burke and Wills Dig Tree, history and grave sites by Cooper Creek walks
  • Dog Fence & SA/QLD/NSW State border
  • Darling River via Menindee Lakes and Burke and Wils Menindee campsite
  • Macquarie Marshes – great bird spotting and special extra time here
  • Gulgong historic village
  • Mudgee winetasting
  • Silo Art Trail
  • Blue Mountains

BOOK HERE  for the Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour Or Call 0417 244 600 or 1300 763 188

Itinerary – For Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour

Note tour may run in reverse order

Day 1 – Depart Sydney for the Blue Mountains with morning tea at stunning views from Govetts Leap over the Grose Valley. Moving on via Lithgow to Bathurst and the fascinating history of the gold rush and Cobb & Co coaches. We travel via Orange to near Parkes to visit The Dish Exhibition Centre at the giant CSIRO operated radiotelescope that brought the 1st moon landing images to Earth. Back in Parkes, and less famous is the King’s Castle, Australia’s very own Elvis Presley museum created by the original yellow Wiggle Greg Page.

Heading west we travel beside the Indian Pacific railway route and visit Manildra, Bogan Gate and Condobolin, in extensive Murray Darling Basin wheat, grain, sheep and cattle producing areas with a taste of the far west of NSW. Arrive for overnight at Lake Cargelligo.

Day 2 – We depart for Hillston, once an important stop for the stagecoaches of Cobb and Co. then on via Ivanhoe on the Cobb Highway, part of the Kidman Way. Arriving in Menindee we visit Kinchega National Park, to view the birdlife of Menindee Lakes then to nearby Burke and Wills camp on the banks of the Darling River. It’s now a short hop to Broken Hill for dinner at the famous & delicious Mario’s Palace Hotel (full of the original murals from Priscilla Queen of the Desert fame) Overnight Broken Hill.

Day 3 – Explore Broken Hill highlights (your choice) options include Pro Hart Gallery, The Line of Lode Lookout, a mine tour, and Miners Memorial plus Desert Sculptures or Lake Mungo or Mutawintji National Parks (optional extra day tour) for exceptional rock art rich in Aboriginal history. Overnight Broken Hill.

Day 4 – Depart Broken Hill through the Barrier Range on the Silver City Highway via Packsaddle for more on our Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour. We stop at Milparinka to appreciate this once bustling gold mining town at the restored Milparinka Heritage Precinct with impressive new displays of early life and Sturts expedition. This area has been extensively mined for tin, lead and gold and operated large sheep stations.

Its time to explore Tibooburra, and the Outdoor Pastoral Museum. Flat-topped mesas and fantastic views characterise the central Jump-Up country while 450 million-year-old granite tors surrounding Tibooburra form part of the southern boundary of the Sturt National Park. We check out the impressive National Parks display and explore the nearby Granites walking track at the Dead Horse campground, and considerable town and mining history before overnight in Tobooburra BLD

Day 5 – Heading into the Sturt Desert we cross the Grey Range with a stop and walk to the lake at Fort Grey. The park protects an enormous arid landscape of space and solitude. The rolling red-sand dunes of the Strzelecki desert ripple through the western section, graduating past surprising wetlands surrounded by white sands. After some great opportunities for photos, and to explore the work of the Wild Deserts project reintroducing locally extinct mammals to Sturt National Park in the far corner of outback NSW.

We cross through the dingo fence (Earths largest man made structure) to arrive at Cameron Corner on the 3 states corner (NSW, SA & QLD). After some refreshments at the “Corner Store” we travel via Bollards Lagoon, the Yellow Bus and Merty Merty station, crossing the sand hills of the Strzelecki Desert, and Strzelecki Creek as we head up the Strzelecki Track through the uncanny Moomba oil & gas fields. We pass the location of the now decommissioned geothermal power plant / hot rocks project of Geodynamics where Australia has the hottest rocks on Earth, outside of volcanic areas.

Geologists think that 10 million years ago, the granites in the Cooper Basin, South Australia, were exposed at the surface. Since that time they have been covered by a sedimentary layer, four kilometres thick, that acts as an overlying blanket; trapping the heat and preventing it from escaping to the atmosphere.

The heat is created by naturally occurring radiogenic decay that heats the granite to more than 250 degrees Celsius. The granite temperatures in Europe are only 180 degrees Celsius. The granite belt in the Cooper Basin is fractured in horizontal layers and these fractures naturally contain water at very high pressures – up to 5, 000 pounds per square inch.

Check out the birdlife at sunset on the Cooper Creek before dinner at the Innamincka Hotel, adjacent the famous old Mission station, restored as National Parks offices.Overnight in Innamincka by the Cooper Creek

Day 6 – A chance for an early walk and look at creek side birdlife – and quirky Innamincka – before we visit Burke’s Grave site. We then drive approximately 70km further upstream crossing the SA/ QLD border and Nappa Merrie Station (once owned by S Kidman & Co) to the Burke & Wills Dig Tree.

Here Burke & Wills support team waited 4 months before departing, even though intsructed by Burke to wait 3 months. Provisions were buried for the northern explorers before the support group left only hours before Burke & Wills return, who were so weak they chose not to pursue. Lots of history, and birdlife here on the infamous Cooper Creek.

After a reflective look around here, we head for Eromanga and the Eromanga Natural History Museum where nearby Australia’s largest dinosaur was carefully excavated from the dirt and a raft of other dinosaurs followed, all species that had never been seen before. The discoveries made southwest Queensland the country’s newest palaeontology frontier. We take a museum tour and meet the discovered remains of dinosaurs “Cooper” and “Zac” and many other species. Overnight Eromanga

Day 7 – Today our destination is Bourke, back in NSW via Thargomindah, Lake Bindegolly National Park which conserves one of the most important wetland systems in south-west Queensland and is often home to prolific birdlife. Then on via Yowah and Eulo with unique Boulder opals. Cunnamulla is next where we learn of the Cunnamulla Fella (a song of a drover written by Slim Dusty) We cross the border to NSW and follow the Warrego River south for our overnight and dinner in Bourke.

Day 8 – In Bourke we take a cruise along the Darling River on the Jandra, a rebuilt historic paddleboat to recall the river boat history. In recent years Bourke has undergone a remarkable revitalisation and is now a shining light in the remote west of NSW. The impressive ‘Back O’Bourke’ centre showcases the early days of Bourke and beyond. Discover the Outback life of Henry Lawson, and the search for an inland sea. Hear the stories of the ‘women of the west’ including Nancy Bird Walton, who flew an air ambulance here in the 1930’s. Stop by the 110 year old Morrall’s bakery for a pie or pastry, follow the Heritage Trail through town, or visit the grave of Fred Hollows. Overnight Bourke.

Day 9 – We head for Brewarrina on the Barwon River, and the 40,000-year-old Aboriginal Fish Traps – still working. The Brewarrina fish traps are one of the oldest man-made structures on earth. This elaborate network of rock weirs and pools stretches for around half a kilometre along the riverbed and was built by ancient tribes, to catch fish as they swam upstream. Heading south to Macquarie Marshes a UNESCO registered site of outstanding value as one of the most important wetland areas in the world. It is one of the most crucial breeding sites for waterbirds in Australia, with 77 species, along with over 150 other birds, as well as fish, turtles, frogs, snakes and mammals. We travel on via silo art in Coonamble then take the scenic road to the beautiful Warrumbungles for a delightful bush walk with wonderful views of The Breadknife.

The Warrumbungles is Australia’s only Dark Sky Park, meaning it is our only Internationally recognised park with an exceptional quality of starry nights and an environment specifically protected for its scientific, natural, educational, cultural heritage, and public enjoyment. Tonight you can book a Star gazing session with local expert and high powered telescopes Overnight Coonabarabran

Day 10 – In Coonabarabran view the Diprotodon fossil remains discovered at nearby Tambar Springs. Back in the ‘bungles take a tour of Siding Springs Observatory, home to Australia’s largest optical telescope. Since opening in 1964, The Australian National University has operated the observatory site hosting research telescopes from the ANU’s Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics (RSAA), Las Cumbres Observatory (LCO) and many other institutions from around the world. Research is varied, from probing the depths of the cosmos in search of “Dark Energy” to searching the Milky Way for other planets and signs of life. We tour inside the dome of the largest telescope and learn of its workings plus visit the adjacent astronomy exhibition centre.

We depart the region mid morning and drive through Dunedoo, known for its poetry, hospitality, and name, or alternatively via Coolah, one of several towns to claim bragging rights as the home of the legendary Black Stump. It was here that the colloquial saying ‘Beyond the Black Stump’, meaning ‘beyond the limits of civilisation,’ is said to have originated.

Now on the way to Gulgong – the town that was on the $10 note. This small village from the gold rush days is a delight to take in the regional history and historic buildings. We are now a short drive to Mudgee where we’ll taste some local wines and have lunch in a vineyard. Travel via Lithgow and the Zig Zag railway and back to Sydney via spectacular Grose Valley views and Mt Tomah on Bells Line fo Road to Sydney and tour completion.

All tours require a minimum of 2 passengers for departure. If you require a booking for 1 person please call us direct to confirm minimum numbers have been met prior to booking online.

Inclusions in the Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour
  • 9 nights Hotel Motel Accommodation – twin share or single supplement available – see booking link
  • Genuine small group tour vehicle – usually 2-4 per 4WD Landcruisers
  • Professional Driver Guide
  • All meals except 3 meals 1 day in Broken Hill
  • Wild wildlife!!
  • National Parks entry fees.
  • Eromanga Natural History Museum entry and Dinosaur tour
  • Dig Tree Entry fees
  • Tour price supports Outback Kids & Nature Care projects.

BOOK HERE  for the Cameron Corner Dig Tree Dinosaurs Tour Or Call 0417 244 600 or 1300 763 188


Any questions – see our FAQs or learn more at About Us

Lake Eyre Tours and Flights 2022

Lake Eyre Tours and Flights 2022

Our Lake Eyre Tours and Flights 2022 from Broken Hill and Adelaide include 4WD access to the lake shore, latest bird viewing, and optional spectacular flight choices over Lake Eyre and surrounds viewing the Warburton Groove (major inflow) Elliot Price Conservation Park, (Donald) Campbell Point, Jackboot, Halligan & Belt Bays, Lake Eyre South, major islands & landmarks.

Longer flights extension options available to the northern extreme of the lake and the Warburton & Macumba Rivers and southern Simpson Desert region of Lake Eyre North.

The longer flights can view the Warburton River, Warburton Groove, Goyder Lagoon Marree Man giant sculpture, or a landing in Birdsville for lunch !!

<<< Latest Lake Eyre floods image February 2022 shows all rivers flooding to Lake Eyre – image courtesy of NASA


Travel in small group (2-4 people) luxury 4WD Landcruisers viewing amazing scenery enroute, and stopping at unique landmarks for a truely memorable experience. Wilpena Pound overnight options available. Travel the Oodnadatta Track and witness the iconic Birdsville Track.

Typical Lake Eyre tours and flights 2022 include …

  • 4 days – Lake Eyre Tours Flights with Wilpena Pound  from Broken Hill and / or Adelaide via Flinders Ranges, Bunyeroo & Brachina Gorges, Sacred Canyon, Coober Pedy, William Creek. Including 1.5, 2 or 5 hour Flight options over Lake Eyre and Warburton Groove, lake shore visits and walks, Birdwatching and Lake Shore drive by 4WD, Wetlands bird’s area walk, luxury 4WD transport. Follow the Overland Telegraph Line & Old Ghan Railway Track and visit historic Coward Springs & Curdimurka Railway Sidings and history plus much more. Includes all fees, flight, all meals, for ensuite accommodated at Wilpena Pound Resort and Marree . Consider also the Wilpena Pound Flinders Ranges flight option. Tour Code LBH4. Connection options to Sydney, Broken Hill or Melbourne  Book NOW
  • 3 days Lake Eyre Tours and Flights – from Broken Hill and / or Adelaide via Lake Eyre – Including 1.5, 2 or 5 hour Flight options over Lake Eyre, lake shore by 4WD, birds areas, see the Old Ghan Railway, Tom Kruse Outback Mailman from “Back of Beyond” truck & history, Oodnadatta Track, Birdsville Track, Marree, Leigh Creek, Copley, Lake Eyre National Park, Flinders Ranges. Connection options to Sydney, Broken Hill or Melbourne LBH3  Book NOW
  • 5 days  Lake Eyre from Sydney to Alice Springs via Broken Hill William Creek Coober Pedy and NSW Outback – See it all on the great outback adventure

Here are dates and availability by month ….. CLICK BLUE ARROW to MOVE MONTHS HERE >>>>

Lake Eyre and Channel & Corner Country tours – 8, 9, 12 or 14 days

Lake Eyre Tours and Flights 2022

Flight Options from Marree

Depart Marree over the township, head over the famous Marree Man and the Willouran Ranges.

A quick flight to see the famous Marree Man.
$199 pp min 2 ppl


See Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre North & South, Belt Bay, the lowest point on mainland Australia and the famous Marree Man.

A fantastic flight to get a good look at the spectacular kati Thanda-Lake Eyre and the Marree Man.
from $395 pp



This flight is an excellent way to see the main river systems which feeds into Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre and all it has to offer. This flight goes to the top of Lake Eyre. from $495 pp



Fantastic bang-for-buck! The classic outback experience, flying over the incredible Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre and the picturesque Painted Hills.

This flight has everything about the region, including the Dog Fence, the Marree Man, Oodnadatta Track and Australia’s largest pastoral property – Anna Creek Station.
from $595 pp


Embraces all the above (except Painted Hills an is the pinnacle flight taking in the whole 170 km of Lake Eyre

Book using above calendar link or see here https://spiritsafaris.rezdy.com/catalog/312616/lake-eyre

Or call Spirit Safaris on 0417 244600 or 1300 763 188








Kimberley Gibb River Road Tours 2021 Broome to Broome or Darwin

Kimberley Gibb River Road Tours 2021 Broome to Broome or Darwin

Kimberley Gibb River Road Tours 2021

Kimberley Gibb River Road Tours 2021 Broome to Broome or Darwin are still available but dates are filling fast.

Latest available dates are shown from the calendar links from the Region tabs ie below header image

For Kimberley or Kakadu see – https://www.spiritsafaris.com/kimberley_kakadu_tours/

or see all here – https://www.spiritsafaris.com/outback-tours-australia/

NEW DATES are being added and some removed as time slots book up.

Your enquiry by email is preferred as this allows us to send more relevant information, and be more sure you have received it.

Private Kimberley tours are available for 2 – 4 people or more

Your adventure begins here …

If you don’t see what you want, we can best offer what you do want if you email or call to clarify –

  • Dates range you are available to travel
  • Number of people travelling with you ie group size
  • Accommodation preferences (motel / cabins / camping or a combination)
  • Duration of tour e.g. 8 – 12 days or longer
  • Direction e.g. can you travel in either direction. e.g. Uluru-Darwin or reverse, Darwin / Broome / Kununurra options – Broome to Broome, Darwin to Broome, Broome to Darwin or Kununurra start or finish

We have availability now for most tours but they are booking up quickly.

f you are flexible there may be more date options available to you

OR CALL 1300 763 188 or 0417 244 600 (from overseas +61 417 244 600)

Please ASK if any questions

Looking forward to showing you these special places for your Kimberley Gibb River Road Tours 2021 Broome to Broome or Darwin

Thank you

Richard O’Neill
Managing Director
Spirit Safaris

Sydney 02 8213 3225 Melbourne 03 9017 6862
Brisbane 07 3137 1607 Perth 08 6364 3651
Adelaide 08 8120 0366 Alice Springs 08 8120 0366
Local Call 1300 763 188 Mobile 0417 244 600 International +61 417 244 600

Most dates for tours are here – https://www.spiritsafaris.com/outback-tours-australia/

For other dates and destinations or Tag along or tailored tours, please contact us on 0417 244 600 or 1300 763 188 or email.

Latest News Blog – www.spiritsafaris.com/blogs



Canning Stock Route Tours 2021 from Broome or Alice Springs with Gunbarrel Highway

Canning Stock Route Tours 2021 from Broome or Alice Springs with Gunbarrel Highway

Explore the most remote 4WD journey in Australia via the Canning Stock Route Tours 2021 from Broome or Alice Springs with Gunbarrel Highway via the Great Sandy Desert, Tanami, Victoria and Gibson Deserts through gibbers, sandhills, ancient ranges, beautiful Desert Oak groves and salt lakes with this Canning Stock Route Tours 2021 from Broome or Alice Springs with Gunbarrel Highway

Join us Departing on this 15 -18 day tour from Alice Springs or Broome to Newman WA (to fly to Perth) or return to Broome via Marble Bar (16 days) or Alice Springs via the Gunbarrel Highway & Uluru

Our Canning Stock Route Tours travel the original Canning Stock Route created by Albert Canning in 1908 for Kimberley cattlemen to take their stock to the southern markets. The original route includes 51 wells and stretches 2,013 kilometres from Halls Creek to Wiluna. The Canning Stock Route now forms one of the most remote and challenging four wheel drive tracks in the world…. Our route takes us via awesome desert landscapes as we travel via the Great Sandy Desert, Tanami and Gibson Deserts through gibbers, sandhills, ancient ranges and salt lakes.

Canning Stock Route Tours 2021 from Broome or Alice Springs with Gunbarrel Highway
Campsite on Canning at Derba Springs


Our journey includes Fitzroy Crossing, Halls Creek, Billilluna Aboriginal Community, Lake Gregory (bird watchers paradise), Paraku Indigenous Protected Area, Lake Gregory, Wardabunni Rockhole, Durba Springs, Diebel Springs, Onegunyah Rockhole, Lake Disappointment, Helen Hill, Slate Range, Ural Native Title Well, Glen Ayle Station, then the rich mineral & Gold rush areas around Wiluna and Newman (with a BHP Mt Whaleback Mine tour option).

Book Now and SAVE


Canning Stock Route Tours


 10 Top Tips for Outback Tour Travel from Spirit Safaris

 10 Top Tips for Outback Tour Travel from Spirit Safaris 

This page and video introduces 10 Top Tips for Outback tour travel from Spirit Safaris. Your enjoyment and safety will benefit by checking this out. Spirit Safaris have been outback touring for near 30 years, and these unique helpful hints are intended to make your outback tour adventure more enjoyable.

  1. For best photos bring a Black or Dark shirt to wear in light aircraft to minimise reflection on windows.
  2. Kimberly early season from May catches greener grasses and fuller waterfalls but maybe some rain & road closures. Mid May / June to early September are optimum times for weather.
  3. Bring old shoes (sneakers or crocs) for watery walks like through Tunnel Creek
  4. Bring a good headlight torch, spare batteries & USB cable – You’ll be amazed how handy they are.
  5. Pack up early for an early start – wildlife are out early to catch the early worms & avoid the days heat.
  6. Mobile Phone coverage is slim. Telstra works best but virtually no coverage in the Kimberley, except public or our on board satellite phone.
  7. Bring an extra plastic bag for wet swimmers or shoes.
  8. A broad brimmed hat & long sleeved shirts are better sun protection than chemical & heavy metal sunscreens
  9. Look away from passing vehicles to protect eyes and face, as stones often fly.
  10. Take sensible strong shoes for some rocky dusty walks and sandals to relax.

See latest outback tours

Ask about our iPhone & Smart Phone Photography Tips

We also supply an “Items to Bring” & “Menu Preferences ”

Feel Free to ask at any time


Call 1300 763 188   or   0417 244 600

Sydney 02 8213 3225    Brisbane 07 3137 1607   Melbourne 03 9017 6862   Perth 08 6364 3651

Adelaide 08 8120 0366    Alice Springs 08 8120 0366

NSW Outback Tours Kimberley Canning Stock Route Channel & Corner Country

Tours from Broken Hill

Tours from Broken Hill

Tours from Broken Hill by Spirit Safaris are genuine small groups (2-4 people per luxury 4WD) and include Cameron Corner, the Dingo Fence, Milparinka, Tibooburra, Innaminka and the Burke & Wills Dig Tree, Lake Eyre, Arkaroola, Wilpena Pound and the Flinders Ranges. Also, tours from Broken Hill or Sydney include NSW Corner Country, Mungo, Mootwingee and Gundabooka National Park with unique Aboriginal Rock Art, Bourke, Darling River, Macquarie Marshes, Broken Hill and amazing icons on the way.

Darling River cruise and tours from Broken Hill

Brolgas dancing on Tours from Broken HillMungo NP Tours from Broknen Hill

Broken Hill, which once had its own stock exchange, is an outback tourists delight. Guests can visit the original BHP mine site, the Line of Lode memorial, Pro Harts Gallery, the Living Outback Sculptures and marvel at the history and size of the birthplace of the “Big Australian”, BHP. Shorter tours are also available that meet the train service to Sydney, and tour to Camerons Corner, Innamincka, Lake Eyre, Flinders Ranges and Coongie Lakes.COVID CLEAN Tours from Broken Hill

Tours from Broken Hill include Silverton and the movie sets where Mad Max and other Aussie icons were made, is on the list, and guests can dine at Mario’s Palace Hotel, still with its incredible artworks as revealed in the movie Priscilla Queen of the Desert fame.

Travellers can now have an exciting adventure closer to home in New South Wales, reaching some of these unique places in our very capable and comfortable off-road 4WD vehicles. Tours really take in the best of Outback NSW

Travel in outback Australia is our speciality, and our new Covid ready tours in NSW, VIC and SA from Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane mean you don’t have to fly in a plane. When we commence we will ensure strict hygiene protocols are in place, including Covid clear health checks.

No Need to wait in airport queues to catch a flight – Tours depart Sydney or Broken Hill, and can often pick up guests enroute eg tours from Wagga, Canberra, Bathurst, Dubbo, Orange – please ask Holiday here with Tours from Broken Hill

People can travel as a couple or bring one or two of their friends and know that they are avoiding the crowds in buses or larger groups. As a small or private group, stops can be at the customers’ convenience or their places of special interest.

Tours explore the real Australian Outback including NSW Corner Country, Mungo and Gundabooka National Park with unique Aboriginal Rock Art, Bourke, Darling River, Macquarie Marshes, Broken Hill and amazing icons on the way from Sydney, Broken Hill or Adelaide and return over 3-14 days.

Broken Hill, which once had its own stock exchange, is a tour highlight. Guests visit the original BHP mine site, the Line of Lode memorial, Pro Harts Gallery, the Living Outback Sculptures and marvel at the history and size of the birthplace of the “Big Australian”, BHP. Shorter tours are also available that meet the train service to Sydney, and tour to Camerons Corner, Innamincka, Lake Eyre, Flinders Ranges and Coongie Lakes.

Our very small group (2-4 people per 4WD) tours from Broken Hill are connecting people to each other and unique nature and the extraordinary beauty and history in our own backyard.

The Silo Art Trail is part of the 12 day tour, and is a new phenomenon of massive and beautiful artworks on outback grain silos in remote country towns. The artworks are a photographers delight, with such uniquely Australian images.

The 12 day tour from Broken Hill and Sydney includes visiting such sites as the Siding Springs Observatory in the Warrumbungle Ranges near Coonabarabran, Mungo National Park, Broken Hill, and the Darling River Run, Burke and Wills camp on the banks of Menindee Lakes. People can take a cruise on the Jandra paddleboat from Bourke and revisit the ancient Aboriginal fish traps in Brewarrina that are more than 40,000 years old.

Tours from Broken Hill or via Broken Hill

You can reserve your interest in any of these tours with a $100 fully-refundable deposit in case Covid-19 limits travel

These NSW tours can take you to Broken Hill – and includes Macquarie Marshes – and could link Coongie Lakes with one of these …

Tours are summarised with the calendar here – https://www.spiritsafaris.com/nsw-outback-tours/

Feel Free to Email or Call for more details of tours from Broken hill on 0417 244 600 or 1300 763 188 if you have any questions

Love NSW Tours from Broken Hill

