Leylines and Songlines of Australia and Earth

Songlines or Song line in Australia refers to the Earth’s subtle energy currents – known as ley lines in UK, snake lines in India, Dragon lines in China – also related to the Hartmann and Currie lines known well in Germany, geomancy and feng shui.
“By energizing a line across Australia, we will heal the whole country” – said David Mowaljarlai OAM, (deceased) senior Ngarinyin elder from the Kimberley referring to songlines of Australia.
Mowaljarlai was one of my numerous Aboriginal elder teachers that I have had the unique opportunity to spend time with, and learn of the special knowledge understood by one of the worlds ancient cultures and wisdom keepers.
Songlines and Sacred Sites have been a passion of mine and one of the key reasons I started the outback adventure tour company, Spirit Safaris in 1993.
A Free Songlines webinar is available – so reserve your place and see some very different Australian Visions. BOOK FREE WEBINAR HERE
OR a “Songlines Leylines and Sacred Sites Report” is available. This is an Expanded 100 page Permanent Digital PDF for you to Keep and Refer to. It can be delivered to Your Device instantly. See Details and Get your own copy at the link here “Songlines Leylines and Sacred Sites Report”
“Songlines Leylines and Sacred Sites Report connects you to an earth energy flow that ancient cultures (your ancestors) have known for thousands of years, to give extra Vitality, Clarity and sense of Purpose” – Details here
Here is a summary of the webinar – Songlines and Sacred Sites online webinar presented by Richard O’Neill. Presenting a deeper understanding of ancient cultures connections to Earth energy, and how ancient and modern architecture has worked with this understanding. PLUS practical tips for health with an awareness of these energies. Includes many maps, charts and ancient artworks including tips to identify “hot spots” in your area for your better health and vitality.
FREE WEBINAR – BOOK HERE – https://webinarkit.com/webinar/registration/656be7e445bba7b7f92da741

World Map shows major Australian songline line from Mt Warning via Tanami Track and Cape Leveque passing near Chennai & Dubai to meet “Michael & Mary line” dowsed by Hamish Miller mob through Europe’s sacred sites. Read the “The Sun and the Serpent” by Hamish Miller & Paul Broadhurst
“We are finding that the Uni-Verse (meaning one – song / harmony) is composed not of matter, but of music” … Professor Donald Hatch Andrews “Symphony of Matter”
Can you help bring more respect, compassion, balance, and harmony (peace) into your life and community ?
Science is now measuring the subtle energies of the forces, and energies that create rain. These include localized Earth magnetic fields and songlines (telluric currents).
Our human bodies are key energy transformers that can help this process. When we build our ability to respond to life’s challenges (our response-ability) and pressures, (like drought, war, loss, invasion) we are more response-able, and raise the ability of all life – as Nelson Mandela reminded us.
Your body runs on an electrical system that needs to be Earthed.
Is your body and your land “in charge” or in “re-volt” with reduced potential ?
Our journeys energize You – and the line on the “Path of the Rainbow Serpent” from “Ocean to Outback” across Australia’s Heartlands to the Kimberley and beyond.
Our Mission is to enable you to experience Your greatest adventure – Your life’s Creation Journey – to enable you to maximise Your Vitality, Awareness and Creativity – to BE the greatest you can be … Be cause, as “You let your own light shine, we unconsciously give other people per-mission to do the same – Sounds like a bright idea – so join us for some FUN !
A Free webinar is available – so reserve your place and see some very different Australian Visions. BOOK FREE WEBINAR HERE
Check out the FREE webinar at a time that suits you HERE
You can also buy the Expanded Songlines, Leylines and Sacred Sites Report – HERE
See more details here – https://www.spiritsafaris.com/songlines/
Stay Tuned
Richard O’Neill
NSW Dowsers – http://www.divstrat.com.au/dowsing/index.htm
Geomantica website & Magazine – Alana Moore – Geomancy dowsing etc at https://www.geomantica.com/
Books by Phil Callahan – including Paramagnetism: Rediscovering Nature’s Secret Force of Growth. Tuning in to Nature, A Walk in the Sun, Nature’s Silent Music: A Rucksack Naturalist’s Ireland, Ancient Mysteries Modern Visions: The Magnetic Life of Agriculture. https://www.acresusa.com/collections/acres-u-s-a-published/author_philip-s-callahan
“The Sun and the Serpent” by Hamish Miller & Paul Broadhurst
“Pi in the Sky” by Michael Poynder – Excellent analysis of sacred sites & songlines in Ireland and beyond
Molyneaux, Brian Leigh & Piers Vitebsky (2000). Sacred Earth, Sacred Stones: Spiritual Sites And Landscapes, Ancient Alignments, Earth Energy. London, England: Duncan Baird Publishers. ISBN 1-903296-07-2.
Lawlor, Robert (1991). Voices Of The First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal dreamtime. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International, Ltd. ISBN 0-89281-355-5
The book Songlines by Bruce Chatwin shares wisdom from travels in central Australia and globally. The Songlines, 1987, Bruce Chatwin, published by Jonathan Cape, 1987, and Vintage, 1998. ISBN 0 09 976991 3
Footprints on Rock, 1997, Sydney: Metropolitan Local Aboriginal Land Council. ISBN 0 7313 1002 0
Mathrani, Vandana (2002). Epic Journeys: The Great Migrations. Source: http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neuro00/web1/MathraniVand.htm
(accessed: Thursday, March 15, 2007)