Background of Spirit Safaris

Spirit Safaris Background

Across Australia – Connecting Country Holding the Line …

Australia Re-Creates wholeness … with Fire and Water

Spirit Safaris Tour Mini MapAround 30 years ago Aboriginal elder David Mowaljarlai initiated a line of energy from Sydney to the Kimberley. He said by energising this line it would heal the whole country.

In 1997 I attended Bush University with Mowaljarlai, and met elders of the Kimberley, and understood more clearly what was meant by this. He died a few months later, leaving strong impressions with many people of the value of supporting the people, nature and spirit of the Kimberley for benefits to all Australians, and the increasingly interested global community.

Like our human bodies, the earth has veins of energy flow that when blocked, create disease. Harmonising with nature and the powerful sacred sites and songlines across Australia clears blocked energies, for the enrichment of nature and the health, creativity and productivity of people.

Aboriginal elder David Mowaljarlai’s Vision was to bring the Wandjina spirit of the Kimberley region to Sydney for the Olympic Games, to share Wandjina with the World … Wandjina emerged in the opening ceremony as sacred ground was re-created through song and dance, and Cathy Freeman ignited the Olympic flame .. and the fire in our hearts.

Fire cleanses the “dead wood” … and Water is the bringer of new life with the wet seasons of the Kimberley … both are necessary for the cyclical patterns of re-creation, and are powerful symbols of the coming together of opposites … the quickening move to re-conciliation (ie integrity and wholeness) in Australia and the world

…The Rainbow Serpent is moving more freely now throughout the land … and the songlines are humming up the energy from the deep south to the northern hemisphere … to lift Europe and the “old world” for the next Olympiad … You are invited to connect, create and celebrate the adventure of your life, in this wise and ancient land …Connect, Create and Celebrate Your Dream … on a Spirit Safari …

WandjinaThe Wandjina icon of the Kimberley region symbolizes creation spirit … Men and Women, black and white, yin and yang … together in balance and harmony … co-operating with intention and attention to weave, expand and enrich consciousness and the fabric of all life on Earth.“Outback Australia is waiting for You” …

“We are finding that the Uni-Verse is composed not of matter, but of music” – … Professor Donald Hatch Andrews “Symphony of Matter”

Spirit Safaris … Connecting People and Planet

Spirit Safaris CommunityExcelink Pacific & Spirit Safaris are Connecting People & Planet with the Ngarinyin re-building community in the Kimberley. We provide an introduction to the community, and deliver the training and tours in liaison with the elders. During the period you will be taken on expeditions to incredible rock art galleries, with the custodians of those sites, who will explain the stories and meaning of these special high energy places. You will learn about Ngarinyin Law, men and women’s business, spirituality, medicines and bush foods, language and early history, ceremony and songs



Kimberley Connection … Re-Creation  Experiences

These Connecting Country Journeys are delivering people to share time and energy (even work if you choose) with people of the Kimberley to rebuild community, plus building relationships and energy of communities enroute – energising a songline Across Australia.

The prime purpose of these journeys is to connect with ourselves, fellow travellers and communities, and share a grand vision of communities working with Nature and each other, for a future they want to live, and create.

Eden Sanctuary Project … “Re-Creation” in the Kimberley

The Ngarinyin, Worora and Wunambul are Wandjina people of the North West Kimberley area of Western Australia. They teach understanding and value of relationships – with self, land and others. They wish to share their wisdom and stories, and current realities with you. Some issues include:

* Wandjina people want to be back on their land, not in Mowanjum reserve, and want to build new sharing relationships with people who care, and are interested in their wisdom, culture and creativity.

* The Kimberley art and area has a sacredness of national and global significance. David Mowalgarlai’s invitation of a delegation to Paris France to meet UNESCO in 1997 helped the recognition of this, and awareness of members of the global community, yet important issues in this area are ignored or avoided by our governments and others.

* Lack of understanding or respect, and invasion of people, and tribal lands by mining, pastoral and other interests is ongoing. Some of Australia’s oldest (maybe 176,000+ years old) and most extraordinary rock art and sacred areas are being lost by difficulty of access by custodians, theft, inappropriate scientific study, and abuse.

Eden Project … Work Adventure Teams –

Meetings in Sydney with Mowanjum Aboriginal community leaders who represent the 3 Wandjina groups, has inspired these leaders, and their enthusiasm is being shared with their community. Being on their land inspires and empowers the elders, the kids and the community – and enables them to reconnect with their identity. They have a new hope of
returning to who they are. People can spend short periods in the Kimberley, working with local people on their land. Initially work envisaged is construction of basic shade shelters, water supplies, possible gardens etc … to provide teaching places and basic food and facilities in these remote and challenging areas. Teams are co-ordinated by Excelink-Pacific and Connecting People & Planet Your contributions are invited.

* Your Benefits from involvement with the Kimberley can be extraordinary and empowering.

* Your interest and support for Wandjina people will enable a stronger community, stronger personal and national identities and re-creation of the spirit of your home, this land, and Earth.

Men and Women’s Business … Standing up alive, co-creating with love, power and integrity.

Some Journey Highlights – Note – not all trips visit these places – see individual itineraries

The intention of this journey is to embrace creation, by connecting with the land, nature and people. Organizers of Aboriginal traditional dances and storytelling know of our journey. Your intention for the journey affects your outcome and your experience with the people we meet. The journey starts with a nature attunement, and honors natural

Broken Hill – Introduction to country and community with Aunty Beryl Carmichael. Aunty Beryl leads introductions to culture days and camps in her traditional country. She teaches survival skills, and will open us up to new ways of relating to the land in traditional ways. A day will be spent with Beryl in the bush, around Menindee Lakes and the area that is her home. Aunty Beryl also travels her community as a cultural officer with the regional division of the education department. We have been invited to meet her community and share our stories.

Scotia Sanctuary – near Broken Hill –
Introduction to the sanctuary and overnight stay here to enable dawn and/or dusk walks to see some of the worlds rarest animals. Half the mammal species lost to the world over the last 200 years have been in Australia … Our record is appalling. Scotia Sanctuary will restore 1/4 of the worlds endangered mammals by bringing them back to their native habitats. Species include Bridled Nailtail Wallabies, (extremely rare) Beetongs, Bilbys and Mallee Fowl.

Newhaven Sanctuary 
– An enormous wind-driven sand blanket covers much of central Australia, but at Newhaven, shimmering salt lakes, pastel ochre clay pans, vibrant red parallel dunes, undulating calcareous plains and dramatic purple-red quartzite mountains cut with scarps and gorges punctuate the view. Each of these landforms supports its own diverse range of plant communities that vary in response to
topography, soil and fire history. These communities create a scattered patchwork of textured greens, yellows and greys, providing stark contrast to the colours of the underlying terrain.

Parallel sand ridges, described by an explorer as “an ocean of spinifex covered sand waves” characterise the southern-most parts of Newhaven. Further north, an extensive system of salt lakes lay strewn along an ancient calcareous drainage line from east to west across the property, culminating in the 16 km long Lake Bennett. The lake rarely contain water, except after periods of intense rainfall, but its fringes are home to unique communities of salt adapted plants.

A crescent of bluff-edged ranges dominate the north eastern corner of Newhaven. Black-footed rock wallabies survive among the rugged boulder fields and gorges of these mountains.

See Australian Wildlife Conservancy Tours Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary,  Newhaven, Scotia outback Australia tours

Mornington Sanctuary
– here the landscape is immensely beautiful. The Baulk Face Range dominates the central part of the sanctuary. This massive mesa is roughly 30 km in diameter and rises about 150 m above the adjacent terrain. Fitzroy Bluff is a taller but
smaller (about 10 km long) mesa standing majestically in the southern portion of the sanctuary, nestled amongst the spectacular King Leopold Ranges to the south, Sir John Range to the East and Lady Forrest Range to the west.

Several permanent rivers (including the Adcock, Traine, and Hann Rivers) flow through the vast savanna plains and drain into the Fitzroy River. These waterways sometimes dissect the terrain for several kilometres to form spectacular vertical-walled gorges such as Dimond Gorge and Sir John Gorge.

The dominant habitat of Mornington is tropical savanna. The grasslands are lightly sprinkled with stands of low eucalypts, Kimberley Bauhinia, Acacias, Boabs and native Kapok. On the sandstone ranges and uplands, the savanna grades into very open
woodlands with a spinifex understorey. The margins of creeks and rivers are lined with thick riparian vegetation, including pandanus palms, plum trees and river red gums. Pockets of Livistona palms and rainforest thrive in the gullies of the ranges and mesas.

Mornington has an exceptionally interesting geological history. The Kimberley Basin, is a Proterozoic sedimentary basin ranging in age from over 2 billion to 1.7 billion years (that is, prior to the development of life). It received vast amounts of aquatic and terrestrial sediment and volcanic deposits during that period, but has not been  inundated by the sea since then. Today, it is a plateau with a dissected surface developed over mostly flat-lying rocks. However, the southern margin of the property is intensely folded where the Kimberley Basin abuts the King Leopold Range (and the associated
Sir John and Lady Forrest Ranges).

See Australian Wildlife Conservancy Tours Mornington Wildlife Sanctuary,  Newhaven, Scotia outback Australia tours

Importance of Song & Dance Song … A vibration – the origins of creation … many cultures including Aboriginal, Celtic and Indian say our World, the uni-verse (one-song) is “sung up” ie created by sound … a song … This includes our resonance or the vibes we choose in the moment or NOW time. As Tim Flannery (ex Australian of the Year) reminds us – We are the Weathermakers

Dance … is an energy exchange in relationships between creative forces … yin/yang, feminine / masculine, right/left brain, art/science  … dancing frees the body, and lets creative energy flow. Every moment or relationship is a “dance” of energy … of moving creative electro-magnetic forces. Our journeys expand awareness of these subtle energies … and we also aim to dance with the locals for a bit of fun.

